Yes those are a few of my faaavorite things (and for some reason I have said each of those words during input sessions quite a few times... don't ask.. the instructors say they like how my brain works... we'll find out when I get my grade :) )!
::::deep breath in::::: :::: RELEASE:::::: Do it with me :)
My CELTA is practically over!! I can see the finish line, and I can see the rest of my adventures awaiting me!!!! Sweet LBJ! This has been a wild ride, and I have LOVED every minute of it! Ok, enough exclamation points :)
So I just finished my last lesson, and went out with a complete bang! I literally had my students climbing desks, running high speed towards a barbed wire fence, looking under rocks and having fun learning English! It was a great time... it was a scavenger hunt using prepositions of place, in case you were wondering! I don't even want to think about leaving my instructors and all of the students!!! These people are fabulous, I tell them every day!
This has been the best learning experience I have ever had. I mean, I have had a few classes that I adored back in Uni, but this one honestly shoots way above them. In the mornings, we learned all sorts of things about teaching and then in the evenings we observed/taught lessons to Intermediate/Elementary adult learners. The feedback, input, EVERYTHING was just all so helpful, I feel much more confident in my teaching abilities!!
Luckily, I only have 1 input session, 1 tutorial, 1 observation and a 1 hour group teach standing in my way from freedom (which all adds up to NOTHING compared to what we normally had on our plates)!!! I've enjoyed being constantly occupied, and constantly jogging my brain for creativity.. I'm gonna miss it (isn't that weird?!). It's also going to be weird re-packing my bag every day or so to move to another town... I'm gonna miss living in a cabana on the beach and staying put!! OH, I think that will be the most painful part...however...
I am sooo ready to get my traveling going.. every time I think about what I have ahead of me, my heart jumps up and down!! Adventure just turns me on, and all of the challenges within that adventure change your life!
Life Plans:
Galapagos Islands - next week
Crazy Amazon Adventures w/Dana - June 10
Peru - July
HOME - August 5
Korea - August 26
Paula, I just looked at all your pictures....I have to say they are all amazing! I hope one day I can travel the world like you have and see all the amazing things that I can. Your pics motivate me to want to travel out of the country ASAP...if it wasn't for the Army I would join you on one of your next adventures. Keep going, girl, you are so lucky to have an amazing opportunity to see all that you have! I can't wait to see more photos! Love, Sarah